How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet?

How to Get Coffee Stains Out of Carpet

Coffee stains or spills are something that the most brave of the homeowners fear. The pesky stains can embed deep within your carpets and destroy their entire appeal. All you need to have are the right cleaning materials, the right knowledge of cleaning techniques, and a passion to battle these coffee stains. To assist you on your journey of how to get coffee stains out of carpet, bring you this blog today.

Why Do Coffee Stains Require Special Cleaning Techniques & Materials?

You need to know firstly why coffee stains are such a nuisance to get out of carpets. Coffee has an ingredient in it called Tannin – the one responsible for its color & flavor. The tannins have a strong coloring effect which gets absorbed within carpet fibers causing difficulty in stain removal. Now, if the coffee spilled has sugar or milk in it, it leaves a sticky residue – making the stain more visible and unappealing.

Different Ways On How To Get Coffee Stains Out Carpet

1.   The Blotting Technique For Early Coffee Stains

The way to address coffee stains effectively is to address them as soon as they occur. The best way is to utilize the blotting technique – ideal for fresh coffee spills & stains.

  • Take a piece of clean cloth and place it over the affected carpet area. Do not rub as it will cause the stain to spread more. Keep on blotting until all the spilled coffee is absorbed.
  • Now pour cold water onto this stained part which dilutes the coffee. Use the blotting method to lift off the water & coffee residue with a clean piece of cloth.
  • Now apply baking soda paste onto this area – baking soda acts as a natural moisture absorber for coffee tannins. Make it by mixing 3 parts water in 1 part baking soda. Let it dry for 20 minutes at least.
  • Use the vacuum cleaner to lift off this baking soda paste along with leftover coffee on the carpet.

2.   Cleaning Method For Heavy-Duty Coffee Stains

If by chance the coffee stain has been allowed to settle in for a long time, there is still a way to clean it. We have 3 different techniques for you to choose from.

i.  White Vinegar Treatment

White Vinegar is the right solution to take care of lingering coffee stains. 

  • Make a solution by adding 1 tbsp of white vinegar in 2 cups of lukewarm water. Collect it in a spray bottle and spray it over the affected part of the carpet.
  • Let it sit for about 20 minutes as the vinegar breaks down the coffee tannins and other residues of it. Now blot clean the area to remove the stain.

ii. Dish Soap Solution

Another technique for stubborn coffee stains involves the use of Dish soap. Dish soap ingredients are effective in cutting through grime & grease; so it is equally effective in cleaning coffee stains. Here are the easy steps to follow.

  • Mix 1 tbsp of dish soap and 2 cups of lukewarm water. Dab a piece of clean cloth in this solution and start staining the affected area in circular motions. Do not overwork the carpet.
  • Now use another clean cloth damped in clear water to remove this soap residue with coffee stains.

iii. The Power of Hydrogen Peroxide – A Solution For Light Colored Carpets

For the coffee stains on light-colored carpets, hydrogen peroxide is the right weapon. However, test the solution on a small part of the carpet to check if discoloration occurs or not.

  • Mix water & hydrogen peroxide in equal parts – transfer this solution to a spray bottle.
  • Mist the coffee stain on the light carpet and let it absorb for about half an hour
  • Now do blot cleaning with a clean cloth and rinse it off with clear water.

3.  Club Soda: An Unconventional Coffee Stain Cleaning Method

In case there are coffee spills onto your light-colored carpets like office carpet, there is one surprisingly effective ingredient. The name of it is Club Soda. The carbonation in the soda is super efficient in lifting off coffee stains.

  • Simply blot the clean area with some club soda.
  • After that, use the baking soda paste to clean stains.
  • Make sure you get the stains out of carpet deep textures. 

Some Tips For Better Carpet Maintenance

To address the coffee spills promptly is always a better way. Other than that, every type of carpet including wall to wall, sisal, and persian carpet is an important part of every home decor. Make use of these tips to maintain the pristine look of your carpets.

  1. Perform regular vacuuming of the carpet, if not, once a week is a must. This is true for high foot traffic areas. Vacuuming removes any dirt & debris which is the main reason for staining.
  2. Schedule a professional carpet cleaning twice a year or once a year. This cleaning will remove any of the trapped dirt & debris within your carpets and extend its lifespan.
  3. Address any type of liquid spill as soon as it happens. The faster you take care of the spill, the easier it will be to remove.

Our Final Say

We have laid down all our expert knowledge on how to get coffee stains out of carpet. Benefit from any of the aforementioned techniques to keep your carpets in pristine look. Acting swiftly is the key to removing coffee stains but take preventive measures against liquid spills.