How to Get Paint Out of Carpet?

how to get paint out of carpet

Have you spilled paint on the carpet? We have all been in that same position once or twice in life. It can be either when you are painting or your kids found that paint jar. Whatever may be the reason, the carpet is ruined and it is a real nightmare to get that sticky messy paint out of your carpet. Now, you don’t have to be panicked about this, you can get that paint out with some simple tricks and tips. This blog by is all about how to get paint out of carpet.

Know Thy Enemy: Two Types Of Paints

The battle of getting the paint out of your luxury carpet starts by knowing what kind of enemy you are dealing with; in this case, what type of paint spills you are dealing with. By knowing the two types of paint, you will be able to employ the best techniques and tips for paint removal. the two main types of paints are:

  • Oil Paints

Most people use oil-based paints for painting their walls because they are more long-lasting due to their high sticking power. However, they are also tricky to remove from carpets. To remove these paints, you need solvents such as turpentine or mineral spirits.

  • Water Paints

These are Water-based paints, widely used by many worldwide for painting all kinds of things. Within this type are two other types: acrylic and latex paints. They are less long-lasting but are easy to remove from every type of carpet including mosque, sisal, stone and persian carpet if spilled.

General Cleaning Tips For All Types Of Paint Spills

While oil-based and water-based paints both have their own specific cleaning tips, both share some general ones. These general cleaning tips for all paint types are:

  1. Addressing the paint spill as soon as it happens, otherwise, it will be hard to remove.
  2. Do not try to rub the paint off, as this will make it spread more and push deep into the fibers. Instead, do blotting.
  3. Before you start using the paint cleaner on the carpet, it is best to test it on a clear part of the carpet to see if it causes discoloration.

How To Remove Water-Based Paints?

We already explained that water-based paints are easy to remove, but they still need prompt addressing. Here is a guide to removing paint from the carpet when fresh or dried-up paint has splattered.

Steps To Remove Fresh Paint Spill

  • Start by blotting the excess paint with a dry paper towel instead of rubbing it all over the place.
  • Add 1 tsp of dish soap liquid in one cup of water to make a clearing solution.
  • Damp a piece of clean cloth in this solution and do slight blotting of the damaged area.
  • Afterward, take another clean cloth, dip it in clear water and remove the paint & soap water from it.
  • Now, blot the cleaned part with a dry towel or cloth & let it air dry under the running ceiling fan.

Steps To Remove Dried Paint

  • Take a spoon or a stiff wash brush with hard bristles, to scrape off the dried-up paint as much as you can.
  • Vacuum clean the loosened part of the paint and fabric.
  • Mix 1 tsp of dish soap in 2 cups of warm water, and clean the area with a clean cloth dipped in this solution.
  • After that, use another clean cloth dipped in plain water to rinse off the soapy residue.
  • Try doing this a few times for efficient removal of paint.
  • Dry it first with a clean towel and then air dry under the fan.

How To Remove Oil-Based Paints?

Removing oil-based paints spilt on carpets can be a real hassle to deal with. Oil paints are stickier and can seep into the carpet fibers. For both the fresh paint spill and dried-up paint, here are helpful cleaning steps.

Steps To Remove Fresh Paint Spill

  • Start by blotting as much of the paint as you can with a clean paper towel. Blot instead of rubbing it off.
  • Take high-quality turpentine or a white mineral spirit and dip a small part of a cloth with it. Blot the damaged area gently with this piece of cloth.
  • Now make a dish soap solution by mixing 1 tsp of liquid soap and one cup of water. Blot the cleaned area with this soapy solution.
  • Lastly, rinse once more with a clean cloth dipped in clear water and let the carpet air dry.

Steps To Remove Dried Paint

  • Take a spoon or a hard-bristle brush and scrap away as much of the dried paint as you can.
  • Now take a clean cloth dipped in white spirit or turpentine solution to blot the damaged area. Do not soak the carpet with the solution as it can cause damage to its fibers.
  • Now rinse it off with a clean cloth dipped in soapy solution and then rinse once more with clean water.
  • Let the carpet air dry or turn on the fan for faster drying.
  • Dried-up paint can be a real problem to remove, so you might need to do it a few times to remove it completely.

Some Additional Tips When Removing Paints From Carpets

Removing paint from carpets like red carpet, office carpet and exhibition carpet requires carefulness on your part. There are some preventive measures that one can take to protect their carpets from further damage. These preventive tips are as follows.

  1. Protect your carpets by placing plastic sheets or some drop cloths surrounding the area where paint is spilt. This will prevent it from spreading elsewhere.
  2. Paint spills can happen any time of the day. As a responsible carpet owner, you need to have all the proper carpet cleaning supplies on standby.
  3. Whatever paint-clearing solution you might be using, always test it beforehand on a little part of the carpet. Doing so will tell you if the solution will cause discoloration & damage to carpet fabric or not.
  4. Some paint stains are a real problem that no amount of DIY can help, instead, it can cause further damage. For such cases, it is best advised to take the help of professional carpet cleaners.

Our Final Words

Getting paint out of the carpet can be frustrating, but always remember that Patience and a Delicate Cleaning Touch are the keys to the process. Know your paint type and employ the best cleaning techniques for removing it. Do not hesitate to seek professional help for better carpet cleaning to remove paint spills and stains.